Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cheile Turenilor(Turenilor Keystones) - Early Spring


  1. This is perfect long water !! Super !!

  2. Thank you Andy:). There are few really beautiful places very close to my area and lately, being in vacation, I just took a ride (almost daily) to see again well known places, trying to discover something new, a different light, corner, colour, trying new lenses or different settings.

  3. Sa nu-mi spui ca ai fost de curand la Cheile Turenilor si nu m-ai anuntat!? ...

  4. Da:), am profitat de vremea faina din ultimele doua-trei saptamani si am iesit pe doua roti prin Cheile Turului, Cheile Turzii, Muntele Baisorii, Baile Sarate. N-au fost iesiri planificate, pur si simplu m-am suit pe motor si m-am lasat purtat de el. Poate intr-o vacanta viitoare reusim sa planificam cumva si o mini-sesiune foto;)

  5. OK! Deci, înţeleg ca a ne cunoaşte nu este o prioritate. Nu am înţeles încă unde trăieşti: pe-aici ori pe departe?!

  6. Marian
    I also like take photos nature. It is always fantastic scenery.Now is the winter but already
    I look forward to spring. I have new the lens canon 70-200 . Yahooo ;)

    I wish you very nice day !!

  7. @Zamfir: Traiesc departe dar uneori vin sa-mi incarc bateriile acasa; in ceea ce priveste cunoasterea, recunoasterea, necunoasterea, acestea sunt doar formalitati, neimplicand sa netrebuind sa implice un anumit parcurs sau o finalitate.

  8. @ Andy: I know a little about your photographic preferences b/c I remember your photographs with colours of the autumn, winter pictures but you're right, spring photographs are really unique; my spring I have to keep it in my heart b/c I can't be there when the nature cames back to life. Thank you for your visit and I am so eager to get something from your 70-300;). I'm dreaming about a new Nikon ultra-wide, 12-24mm ;)

  9. @dieter: Thank you very much for your visit and for appreciation:)

  10. Oh Marian yes Nikon ultra-wide 12-24mm is a great choice. Really super lens !! ;)

    And I'm dreaming about a canon FF (Full Frame) , but it's in the stars.Chichi ;)

    Very nice day !!

  11. Ciao:). I'm sure that one day you'll get the FF and me, I hope, a poor Hasselblad;). Thanks and a great evening for you too;)
