Thank you Andy:). There are few really beautiful places very close to my area and lately, being in vacation, I just took a ride (almost daily) to see again well known places, trying to discover something new, a different light, corner, colour, trying new lenses or different settings.
Da:), am profitat de vremea faina din ultimele doua-trei saptamani si am iesit pe doua roti prin Cheile Turului, Cheile Turzii, Muntele Baisorii, Baile Sarate. N-au fost iesiri planificate, pur si simplu m-am suit pe motor si m-am lasat purtat de el. Poate intr-o vacanta viitoare reusim sa planificam cumva si o mini-sesiune foto;)
Marian I also like take photos nature. It is always fantastic scenery.Now is the winter but already I look forward to spring. I have new the lens canon 70-200 . Yahooo ;)
@Zamfir: Traiesc departe dar uneori vin sa-mi incarc bateriile acasa; in ceea ce priveste cunoasterea, recunoasterea, necunoasterea, acestea sunt doar formalitati, neimplicand sa netrebuind sa implice un anumit parcurs sau o finalitate.
@ Andy: I know a little about your photographic preferences b/c I remember your photographs with colours of the autumn, winter pictures but you're right, spring photographs are really unique; my spring I have to keep it in my heart b/c I can't be there when the nature cames back to life. Thank you for your visit and I am so eager to get something from your 70-300;). I'm dreaming about a new Nikon ultra-wide, 12-24mm ;)
If there's gonna be a place to avoid, a peak impossible to climb, a foolish and useless speed that you want to feel, a forbidden emotion, That is the place where I'd like to be for a moment. Daca ar fi un loc pe care e bine sa-l ocolesti, un varf care nu ar putea fi escaladat, o viteza nebuna si inutila pe care s-o simti, un sentiment interzis... in locurile alea mi-ar placea sa fiu, pentru o clipa.
I lived a thousand lives just to discover in the last one the light. Nothing is real except the light, the only always alive and outstanding witness. I'd like you to join me sometimes in Moments, stolen frames from life or imagination.
This is perfect long water !! Super !!
ReplyDeleteThank you Andy:). There are few really beautiful places very close to my area and lately, being in vacation, I just took a ride (almost daily) to see again well known places, trying to discover something new, a different light, corner, colour, trying new lenses or different settings.
ReplyDeleteSa nu-mi spui ca ai fost de curand la Cheile Turenilor si nu m-ai anuntat!? ...
ReplyDeleteDa:), am profitat de vremea faina din ultimele doua-trei saptamani si am iesit pe doua roti prin Cheile Turului, Cheile Turzii, Muntele Baisorii, Baile Sarate. N-au fost iesiri planificate, pur si simplu m-am suit pe motor si m-am lasat purtat de el. Poate intr-o vacanta viitoare reusim sa planificam cumva si o mini-sesiune foto;)
ReplyDeleteOK! Deci, înţeleg ca a ne cunoaşte nu este o prioritate. Nu am înţeles încă unde trăieşti: pe-aici ori pe departe?!
ReplyDeleteI also like take photos nature. It is always fantastic scenery.Now is the winter but already
I look forward to spring. I have new the lens canon 70-200 . Yahooo ;)
I wish you very nice day !!
wonderful pictures.
@Zamfir: Traiesc departe dar uneori vin sa-mi incarc bateriile acasa; in ceea ce priveste cunoasterea, recunoasterea, necunoasterea, acestea sunt doar formalitati, neimplicand sa netrebuind sa implice un anumit parcurs sau o finalitate.
ReplyDelete@ Andy: I know a little about your photographic preferences b/c I remember your photographs with colours of the autumn, winter pictures but you're right, spring photographs are really unique; my spring I have to keep it in my heart b/c I can't be there when the nature cames back to life. Thank you for your visit and I am so eager to get something from your 70-300;). I'm dreaming about a new Nikon ultra-wide, 12-24mm ;)
ReplyDelete@dieter: Thank you very much for your visit and for appreciation:)
ReplyDeleteOh Marian yes Nikon ultra-wide 12-24mm is a great choice. Really super lens !! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm dreaming about a canon FF (Full Frame) , but it's in the stars.Chichi ;)
Very nice day !!
Ciao:). I'm sure that one day you'll get the FF and me, I hope, a poor Hasselblad;). Thanks and a great evening for you too;)